Climate Crisis Digest - February 2025 - What Has Gaza got to Do With the Climate Crisis?

This essay, written by a group of CPA members, is a response to the March 2024 Digest which explores the intersection of the Gaza crisis and climate change. The first part of the conversation can be accessed via the following link (

Climate Crisis Digest - December 2024 - Building Inner and Outer Resilience: Letter From a Youth in an Uncertain World

Dear CPA community, 

As one of the young members of the CPA circle, as well as the Climate Majority Project (,[1] I write to you today reflecting, as a youth, on the psychological dimension of helping to address the climate and environmental crisis (or at least that’s the intention!). Read More

Climate Crisis Digest - November 2024 - Reflections on 'Beyond Western Rationality' - Explorations Issue 6

During the final editing of Explorations: Issue 6 I was struck down by a tummy bug. Urgent dashes to a not-so-private bathroom kept me, my baby and husband stuck in a studio flat. My fever peaked with fainting at 4am, delirious from dehydration, having given all my milk and energy to my baby and everything else to the toilet bowl. Read More.

Climate Crisis Digest - October 2024 - Individual Accountability, Collective Action

Like Nessa, I identify as a white middle class woman. I’m conscious of my privileges and responsibilities that come with my cultural heritage. I believe it is Whiteness - its values, psychologies and ideologies - that are driving climate change. Climate change is racist. Let’s reflect on this. Read More.  

Climate Crisis Digest - September 2024 - Reflections on Individual Action

Last year, the jarring discrepancy between the climate emergency and ‘business as usual’ became overwhelming. Read More.  

About Us

We are a diverse community of therapeutic practitioners, thinkers, researchers, artists and others. We believe that attending to the psychology and emotions of the climate and ecological crisis is at the heart of our work.


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